
Support us

The Magic Lantern is a non-profit association. Its sole source of revenue comes from the fees of its members. In order for Magic Lantern clubs to be able to operate everywhere—in small towns and large cities—the association’s operating budget must be completely underwritten not only by private and public backers but also thanks to donations from foundations and private individuals.

You can support The Magic Lantern in different ways: make a donation to The Magic Lantern club in your region or to the head association (ASLM) or finance a specific project or particular event. Contact us in order to define the purpose and profile of your donation.

Send your donation to:
Association La Lanterne Magique
Terreaux 7
CH-2000 Neuchâtel
IBAN: CH06 0900 0000 2000 4857 0

Donation of goods and/or services
You are a company owner: you can offer your services, donate a prize for a festival, sponsor a cinematographic event, offer lodging for our invited guests during a special event…By supporting us, you’ll be associated with a recognized and well-publicised cultural and educational project. Contact us, we are open to your suggestions.

Swiss tax laws accord a deduction for any companies making donations to The Magic Lantern provided their tax address is in Switzerland.